For the Raison d'ê3 showcase, the MYLF youngsters are presenting "The Garbage Helicopter" by Jonas Selberg Augustsén.

Cinema Massimo – 12 February 2018, 9.00 p.m. – Screen Three

For this third season, the successful collaboration between the MYLF group university students - Movies You'll Like Festival and the National Cinema Museum, has given birth to a showcase dedicated to the number 3, titled Raison d'ê3. A trilogy is the most widespread form of linking artworks, be they books, films or anything else. Moreover, the number 3 is an important esoteric number, often connected with the concepts of end, new beginnings and synthesis.

In a third chapter, one finds the sum of the previous ones. They are quoted, praised and retraced, a glance goes back to the past, but looking at the future. MYLF wishes to be all of this, this year: a synthesis of its three previous years together, the end of a project, but also, and maybe especially, a new beginning.

The showcased film for February is The Garbage Helicopter by Jonas Selberg Augustsén. Admission 4.00 euro.


Jonas Selberg Augustsén

The Garbage Helicopter (Sophelikoptern)

(Sweden 2015, 100’, DCP, b/w, o.v. it. s/t

An elderly woman feels restless: she is missing her old wall-clock, which was removed over a year earlier, to be taken to the clockmaker to mend. The only solution is to call her three grandchildren, who live north, more than one thousand kilometres away, and get them to promise they will bring the item back to her. So a southbound journey starts for the three youngsters, along the interminable and tortuous motorways crossing Sweden. In the meantime a helicopter carrying a large quantity of garbage lets its heavy load plummet to the ground.