The National Cinema Museum is 15 years old

20th July

The National Cinema Museum within the Mole Antonelliana is celebrating 15 years.


Inaugurated on 20 July 2000, the museum has been visited in recent years by 7 million and a half people, with an average of over 600,000 visitors a year, making it the most visited museum in Piedmont and ranking 8th at a national level.


During these 15 years the Mole Antonelliana hosted 107 internationally prestigious exhibitions, over 500 corporate and private events set up within the picturesque backdrop of the museum, shooting for 300 film and television productions (films, documentaries, series, shorts, soap-operas, music videos, promotional and corporate videos, television programmes) featuring the museum as a protagonist, accredited over 20,000 journalists from all over the world and organised more than 220 press conferences.


Many important guests have entered the doors of this symbol of the city, many being the protagonists in over 550 events held at Screen 3 in the Cinema Massimo, which saw a significant increase in attendance, only in the first semester of 2015 ,well above the same period in 2014, for a total of about 1,900,000 spectators since its opening (25 January 2001).


The "Mario Gromo" Library/Mediatheque has had over 18,000 visitors since 2008, thanks to over 450 events held in its meeting room, which are creating a growing attendance of the part of the public.


Over 150 films have been restored in partnership with prestigious international institutions and presented at the most important film festivals around the world, a commitment which the museum has stepped-up in recent years.

Since 2000, the National Museum of Cinema has significantly increased its assets thanks to remarkable developments in donations and certain acquisitions, and its collections currently number over 2 million items.


During the last five years, the museum has garnered several awards and international recognition due to its technological innovation strategies. This is a much sought-for result for a foundation which collaborates with approximately 100 technical partners and sponsors, creating a network reaching 300 partnerships.


The National Cinema Museum is celebrating its birthday by offering reduced admission to all visitors on July 20, 2015 and in the meantime it is preparing a special and exclusive event for the autumn, as a tribute to the first 15 years of its museum.