Events in Bibliomediateca

From 27th November up to 3rd December 2009

- 27 November 2009, at 7.30pm

CIAK, SI MANGIA! cinema aperitif and screening of the film "Incantesimo napoletano" (A Neapolitan Spell) by Paolo Genovese and Luca Miniero

Our third event in the CIAK, SI MANGIA! Cinema and taste series of cinema aperitifs, organised by the National Museum of Cinema in conjunction with the Hamper of traditional foods from the Province of Turin. The series highlights the intriguing connection between food and film, where the best of traditional agricultural produce is combined with the best of international cinema, a sphere which has, in many different ways, portrayed the world of food and cuisine. Afterwards, the film Incantesimo napoletano by Paolo Genovese and Luca Miniero, will be screened.

- 30 November 2009, at 3.30pm

A screening of Robert Altman's film noir "The Long Goodbye" for the AMERICAN NOIR festival

The latest event in the AMERICAN NOIR festival, with a screening of Robert Altman's film The Long Goodbye. The film is considered to be New Hollywood's film noir, which features particular characteristics of the genre, including a cold detachment when committing violent acts and a drawn out pace. The production style and treatment of the main character bears all the hallmarks of a master such as Robert Altman. Introduced by Hamilton Santià.