Agenda settimanale degli eventi in Bibliomediateca

Library/Mediateque – from 25 to 31 May 2012

Library/Mediatheque – 25 May 2012, 8.30 p.m.


A MUSEUM FOR AFRICA: Tunisia. Cinema before the revolution


On the day in which the world Africa Day is celebrated, the National Cinema Museum is presenting a debate titled Tunisia. Cinema before the revolution in the Library/Mediatheque, at 8.30 p.m. The meeting will feature the presentation of the book Dall'altra riva: il cinema tunisino (From the other shore: Tunisian cinema) by curator Gina Annunziata (Quaderni di Cinemasud 2012), followed by the film screening of Making off by Nouri Bouzid.



Library/Mediatheque – 26 May 2012, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 




For the occasion of the world Africa Day, the National Cinema Museum is hosting AFRICAN DAY 2012. Piedmont for mothers and kids. Worldwide, Saturday 26 May, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Events Room at the Library/Mediatheque, a meeting and debate among operators and migrants on the themes of infant mortality and possible initiatives for reducing childbed death in the poorer countries of the world, in response to the 2000 UN appeal (Millennium Development Goals n° 4 and 5). To follow, screening of a documentary on this topic.

For further information: 



Library/Mediatheque – 28 May 2012, 15.30 p.m.


VOLTI AMERICANI (AMERICAN FACES): The man from Laramie by Anthony Mann


Final rendez-vous for the AMERICAN FACES. Four films with James Stewart showcase with the film screening of The man from Laramie by Anthony Mann, Monday 28 May, at 15.30 p.m., in the Library/Mediatheque, introduced by Attilio Palmieri.



Library/Mediatheque – 30 May 2012, 8.30 p.m.


DIALOGHI IN CORSO (TALKS IN PROGRESS): Meeting with Maccio Capatonda


New rendez-vous for TALKS IN PROGRESS. Presentations of new books, dvd-s and readings, dedicated to the surreal comedy of Marcello Macchia (stage name Maccio Capatonda), Wednesday 30 May, at 8.30 p.m., in the Events Room at the Library/Mediatheque. In addition to himself, the co-authors and comedians of his amusing sketches, Luigi Luciano (Herbert Ballerina) and Enrico Venti (Ivo Avido), will attend. To follow, screening of a few short films.


 Library/Mediatheque – 31 May 2012, 4 p.m.


SAPERI DI DONNA (WOMEN’S WISDOM): Galileo by Liliana Cavani


Last rendez-vous at the Library/Mediatheque for the WOMEN’S WISDOM showcase, with the screening of the film Galileo by Liliana Cavani, introduced by Claudia Audi Grivetta, Thursday 31 May 2012, at 4 p.m.