CULT! in June is dedicated to Corso Salani, five years from his demise. Margherita Salani will present Mirna, her husband’s last work, to the public.

Cinema Massimo – 16 June 2015 – 8.30 p.m. Screen Three

Exactly five years from his demise, the National Cinema Museum is dedicating an evening at the Cinema Massimo in remembrance of Corso Salani, in the course of which his last film and literary opus will be presented to the public by Margherita Salani: a film, Mirna, and a diary, Mirna. Diario di un film, written on the solitary set of that same film, which tells the story of a filmmaker who returns to Buenos Aires after fifteen years to make a film about a girl he met, loved, left and never forgot again. Cinema merges with life, as in all of Salani’s works, in a doubled project for amplifying the range of his involvement. The result is a tale on nostalgia. Admission 3.00 euro.


This tribute is organised in collaboration with Spaesamenti/Incontri sul cinema del reale di confine, the Associazione Corso Salani and the Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli.