Magnificent Visions. The Permanent Festival of Restored Film presents La classe operaia va in paradiso by Elio Petri.

Cinema Massimo – 19 January 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

First rendez-vous in the new year for MAGNIFICENT VISIONS - The Permanent Festival of Restored Film with the film screening of La classe operaia va in paradiso (The working class goes to paradise) by Elio Petri in its restored version, on Tuesday 19 January at 8.30 p.m. Repeat screening on Wednesday 20 January at 6.00 p.m. The book on Elio Petri e il cinema politico italiano. La piazza carnevalizzata (Elio Petri and Italian political cinema. Rallies turned into mummery) by Alfredo Rossi (Mimesis ed.) will be presented before the film. Jacopo Chessa will be in conversation with the author. Admission 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro.