At last, the doc dedicated to the Odin Teatret fiftieth anniversary is at the Massimo: Il paese dove gli alberi volano (The country where trees fly) by Davide Barletti and Jacopo Quadri.

Cinema Massimo – 21 January 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Two

Following its world premiere at the recent Venice Days, thanks to Wanted the much anticipated documentary by Davide Barletti and Jacopo Quadri is hitting cinemas, being dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the Odin Teatret, the research theatre company which changed the structure of performance in the late Twentieth century under Eugenio Barba’s guide, by nourishing its alphabet though worldwide stage-cultures. Repeat screening on Friday 22 January at 4.30 p.m. Admission 7.50/5.00/4.00 euro.