Kick-off for the 2nd edition of YOUNG ARTISTS, on the theme of family and its communication issues.

Cinema Massimo – 10 January 2017, 9.00 p.m. – Screen One

Family, and its generational, emotional, gender communication issues. This is the common thread for the evening, which will spool around three performances by various young artists.

Davide Simonetti (Doppeltraum Teatro and RetròScena) will begin, starring in an experimental theatre  performance with an actor and kit-drums. To follow, the absolute premiere screening of the short film Aspettando Laura (Waiting for Laura). Completely filmed in a single shot in full Birdman style, the short explores the theme of family and generational communication problems. The images and the kit-drum-only soundtrack will lead the spectator to discover the story and its misunderstandings in real time, just a second before the characters themselves do so. All framed by the voice of young Turin singer Eugenio Cesaro (Eugenio in Via di Gioia), who will dialogue with surreal notes by Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, an emerging band within the alternative scenario in Bergamo. Admission 5.00 euro.