The best Italian documentaries of the past year, presented by their authors, for the DOC showcase in April.

Cinema Massimo – From 11 to 28 April 2017 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is presenting five documentaries, selected among the best Italian ones of the past year, from Tuesday 11 to Friday 28 April at the Cinema Massimo.

It begins on Tuesday 11 April, at 8.30 and 10.30 p.m., with the documentary by Claudio Casazza, Un altro me (Another me), produced by the GraffitiDoc company in Turin and presented as a premiere within the Piemonte Movie gLocal Film Festival. The director and its protagonists will attend the screenings. Admission 5.00 euro.


On Wednesday 12 April at 8.45 p.m., after garnering many awards at several Italian and United States festivals, Luca Guardabascio’s film is finally arriving at the Massimo, re-evoking the tragic accident that led to the sinking of the Andrea Doria ocean-liner. Partly shot in the Canavese district and also supported by the Piedmont Regional Council, Andrea Doria: i passeggeri sono in salvo? (Andrea Doria: are the passengers safe?) was written and produced by Pierette Domenica Simpson, a survivor of the event. Following the screening, meeting with Luca Guardabascio. Admission 4.00 euro.


Presented last April at the Independent Cinema Festival in Buenos Aires and awarded with a jury special mention, the Museum is bringing the film Ombre della sera (Evening shadows), born from thirteen years of work by Valentina Esposito as a theatre director inside the Rebibbia Jail, to Turin on Tuesday 18 April at 8.30 p.m. At the end, meeting with director Valentina Esposito. Admission 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro.


For the occasion of Liberation Day, the National Film Archive of the Resistance, together with the National Cinema Museum and Lab80 Film, are offering a premiere of the documentary Libere (Free), the lovely new work by Rossella Schillaci, on Tuesday 25 April, at 8.30 p.m. In addition to director Rossella Schillaci, Paola Olivetti, Chiara Acciarini and Carla Dappiano will attend the evening. Admission 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro.


The screening of Non voltarti indietro. Cinque vite in ostaggio: storie di errori giudiziari (Don’t turn back. Five lives held in hostage: judiciary error tales) by Francesco Del Grosso, will round-off the pick of the most interesting Italian documentaries of the year, on Friday 28 at 8.30 p.m.

The evening is organised by in collaboration with the National Cinema Museum. Over the past twenty-four years more than 24,000 people have ended up in jail being innocent. The State has spent more than 630 million euro to repay them. And the count is not halting, with a rhythm of 1,000 new cases each year. What happens in the life of a person who turns out to be the victim of a judiciary mistake?

The evening will feature the attendance of Enrico Costa (Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, subject to confirmation), Alberto Matano (anchorman of the Sono Innocente/I am innocent programme), Luca Cassiani and Claudio Bragaglia (Turin Tribunal lawyers), Valentino Maimone, Benedetto Lattanzi and Stefano Oliva (authors and producers of this film), Antonio Lattanzi and Lucia Fiumberti (victims of unjust detention). Admission free.