
I’M OFF TO THE MASSIMO! – The youth cineclub is presenting "Rear window" by Alfred Hitchcock.

Cinema Massimo – 11 January 2017, 6.00 p.m. – Screen One

Kick-off for the cinema showcase curated by students who took part in the I’M OFF TO THE MASSIMO! – The youth cineclub project: the themes it features are five (Great Authors, In-formation, A gaze on the world, Science Fiction, Sport Docu-films) for five films presented and reviewed by...


Evening in memory of Gianni and Nicola Rondolino, with the screening of "Tre punto sei" by Nicola Rondolino.

Cinema Massimo – 11 January 2017, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

One year after the demise of Gianni Rondolino, the National Cinema Museum and Turin University are recalling this great film historian, who initiated generations of scholars and cultural operators who have always kept referring back to his lessons.

Recalling Gianni Rondolino inevitably...


Kick-off for the 2nd edition of YOUNG ARTISTS, on the theme of family and its communication issues.

Cinema Massimo – 10 January 2017, 9.00 p.m. – Screen One

Family, and its generational, emotional, gender communication issues. This is the common thread for the evening, which will spool around three performances by various young artists.

Davide Simonetti (Doppeltraum Teatro and RetròScena) will begin, starring in an experimental theatre ...


"The crimson pirate" is inaugurating THE MASTERS OF ADVENTURE retrospective.

Library/Mediatheque – 9 January 2017, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

THE MASTERS OF ADVENTURE is the title of the retrospective inaugurating the 2017 Events Room programmes at the Mario Gromo Library/Mediatheque: a tribute to great adventurous Hollywood cinema, with some classic titles that made generations of viewers dream and bore them to...


For CULT!, Piemonte Movie is offering a tribute to Felice Andreasi, with the screening of "Sturmtruppen" by Salvatore Samperi, introduced by Cochi Ponzoni.

Cinema Massimo – 9 January 2017, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

On the occasion the tenth anniversary from the demise of Felice Andreasi (1928-2005), the Piemonte Movie Association started programming a series of initiatives two years ago (The PoetActor. Tribute to Felice Andreasi) in collaboration with some important cultural bodies. The tribute is...


“Rediscovered Cinema at the Cinema” is back with two classics from the Twenties: "Sherlock Jr." by Buster Keaton and "The Kid" by Charles Spencer Chaplin.

Cinema Massimo – From 9 to 25 January 2017 – Screen Three

New start in January for the Bologna Film Archive initiative Rediscovered Cinema at the Cinema, which is bringing film history classics back to the big screen. The new cycle of screenings will be opened by two great classics from the Twenties: Sherlock Jr....


Lanterna Magica and National Cinema Museum are celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the film "La freccia azzurra" by Enzo D’Alò with a special screening. Admission by free offers in favour of International Help.

Cinema Massimo – 8 January 2017, 4.00 p.m. – Screen Three

Lanterna Magica is bringing La freccia azzurra (How the toys saved Christmas) by Enzo d’Alò, one of the most important films in Italian animation, back on the big screen – for the occasion of its twentieth anniversary – in collaboration...


Antonio Capuano will present Bagnoli Jungle at the Massimo. To follow, meeting-debate with the public.

Cinema Massimo – 16 December 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

The Cinema Museum is bringing Bagnoli Jungle, Antonio Capuano’s latest film, which was presented last year in Venice as the International Week of Critics closing event and which has never been released theatrically, to Turin in collaboration with Rete...


The Short Film Day is back at the Massimo, with a programme organised by the National Short Film Centre.

Cinema Massimo – 21 December 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

December 21 is the shortest day of the year, and as such, Short Film Day worldwide. Born in France in 2011 as Le jour le plus court, the Short Film Day numbers fifty member countries to date. In Italy, the National Short Film Centre has been curating a programme since...


SPECIAL EVENT – Turin debut for Francesco Patierno’s doc Naples 44, with the author attending.

Cinema Massimo – 15 December 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Two

Following the success it garnered at the latest Festa del Cinema in Rome, the National Cinema Museum is happy to host the Turin premiere of Francesco Patierno’s doc Naples ’44 at the Cinema Massimo.


On this occasion, the director...
