
Presentation of the book La suspense. Forme e modelli della tensione cinematografica by Giampiero Frasca, with the author attending.

Library/Mediatheque – 10 December 2015, 6.00 p.m. – Events Room

The National Cinema Museum presents a meeting at the Library/Mediatheque dedicated to suspense, during which the book La suspense. Forme e modelli della tensione cinematografica (Suspense. Forms and models in filmic tension...


For the DOUBLE DREAM. Powell & Pressburger’s fantastic cinema showcase, presentation of Emeric Pressburger’s film Stairway to heaven.

Library/Mediatheque – 7 December 2015, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

The Monday afternoon showcase is back, with DOUBLE DREAM, a cycle dedicated to the fantastic cinema of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, which will open on Monday 7 December with the screening of Stairway to...


For the occasion the fortieth anniversary of Carlo Levi’s demise, meeting dedicated to the migration issue, and film screening of Cristo si è fermato a Eboli.

Library/Mediatheque – 4 December 2015, 4.00 p.m. – Events Room

The National Cinema Museum presents a meeting at the Library/Mediatheque – organised within the broader programme of initiatives dedicated to Carlo Levi, which will be held throughout Italy – aiming at centralising a reflection on the issue of migration, in a historical moment in which it is...


CINEMA AND PSYCHOANALYSIS presents Love Actually by Richard Curtis. To follow, meeting with Dr. Annalisa Balbo.

Cinema Massimo – 2 December 2015, 9.00 p.m. - Screen Three

Last rendez-vous this year for the CINEMA AND PSYCHOANALYSIS showcase, organised by the National Cinema Museum with the Turin Centre for Psychoanalysis. The showcase aim was to show how cinema has been able to explore and develop the theme of...


The circuit approaching the SeeYouSound Festival is continuing with Undertheinfluence. The musical scene of New York, and the British and German ones.

Cinema Massimo – 2 December 2015, 9.00 p.m. – Screen Two

SeeYouSound is continuing its run-up circuit towards the Festival and does it this time thanks to the valuable collaboration of Noisey, the music section of the VICE magazine, which has made these special contents available to the Festival....


Presentation of Bruno Gambarotta’s book Ombra di giraffa.

Library/Mediatheque – 2 December 2015, 6.00 p.m. – Events Room

Event–evening at the Library/Mediatheque with the book presentation of Ombra di giraffa by Bruno Gambarotta, Garzanti 2014. The novel recounts the adventures of 5 RAI TV pensioners, who plan a sort of prank following the demise of a colleague. The book, which...


For the occasion of the AROUND NEOREALISM studies conference, Emiliano Morreale and Stefania Parigi will present Ossessione by Luchino Visconti.

Cinema Massimo – 1 December 2015, 9.00 p.m. - Screen Three

For the occasion of the Around Neorealism: voices, contexts, languages and cultures in Post-war Italy conference, organised by the Turin University DAMS (1-3 December), the National Cinema Museum is proposing the film screening of Ossessione (...


HISTORY OF DOCUMENTARY FILM is continuing with two dates: the first one is with Chronique d’une été by Morin and Rouch, the second will feature De Brug and Regen by Ivens, Gente del Po by Antonioni and Nuit et brouillard by Resnais.

Cinema Massimo – 1/15 December 2015 - Screen Three

The HISTORY OF DOCUMENTARY FILM. BETWEEN CINEMA AND ANTHROPOLOGY showcase, organised with Visual Anthropology (Department of Cultures, Politics and Society) and Documentary Cinema History (Humanities Department of Turin University) and dedicated to great...


For the occasion of the European day dedicated to disability, CinemAccessible presents various screenings in favour of universal accessibility.

Cinema Massimo – 1/2 December 2015 - Screen Three

For the occasion of the European day on 3 December dedicated to disability, CinemAccessible intends to be an experimental initiative for favouring universal accessibility to culture, through film screenings with subtitles for the deaf and audio-descriptions for the blind, created with voice-...


CINEMAMBIENTE presents its new cycle dedicated to Turin and the Alps, with an evening dedicated to mount Cervino, with screenings and special guests. Admission free.

Cinema Massimo – 30 November / 14 December 2015 - Screen Three

A new cycle of CinemAmbiente dedicated to the mountains, and in particular to the relationship between Turin and the Alps, is opening with an evening by Enrico Camanni dedicated to the Cervino, Cervino: la più bella montagna del mondo (Cervino, the loveliest mountain in the...
