Il Museo Nazionale del Cinema inaugura al Cinema Massimo MAGNIFICHE VISIONI. Festival Permanente del Film Restaurato con Brigadoon di Vincente Minelli presentato da Beppe Fiorello

Cinema Massimo - 27 gennaio 2010, ore 20.45

On Wednesday, the 27th of January 2010 at 8.45pm in Cinema Massimo's Screen 3, the National Museum of Cinema presents its first evening of MAGNIFICENT VISIONS: The Permanent Festival of Restored Film. The festival's opening evening focuses on the restoration of Vincente Minelli's film Brigadoon, presented in the new edition published by Swashbuckler Films by kind permission of Hollywood Classics.

The film will be presented and introduced by Beppe Fiorello and Alberto Barbera.

Admission:  €5.50/€4.00/€3.00.