Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca – from 26th february to 4th march

- Friday 26 February 2010, 8.30p.m.

DISCUSSIONS IN PROGRESS/DIALOGHI IN CORSO presents the book Il sistema sceneggiatura - Scrivere e descrivere i film (The Screenplay System: Writing and Describing Films) by Luca Bandirali and Enrico Terrone and readings from screenplays by the Scuola per attori del Teatro Stabile di Torino (Theatre of Turin School of Actors).

The new session of DISCUSSIONS IN PROGRESS/DIALOGHI IN CORSO will be held in the Bibliomediateca. A presentation of new books, DVDs and readings, DISCUSSIONS IN PROGRESS/DIALOGHI IN CORSO will present Il sistema sceneggiatura – Scrivere e descrivere i film (The Screenplay System: Writing and Describing Films) by Luca Bandirali and Enrico Terrone, Lindau:2009.  Following a meeting and discussion with the authors, introduced by Marco Grifo (National Cinema Museum), there will be a reading of sections of screenplays written by Bergman, Bresson and Antonioni by the students of the Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Torino (Theatre of Turin School), directed by Mauro Avogadro. Following the screenplay session, the film Sympathy for the Lobster/Le ragioni dell’aragosta by Sabina Guzzanti will be shown.


-Monday 1 March 2010, 3.30p.m.

THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA film festival shows The Straight Story/Una storia vera by David Lynch.

The Straight Story/Una storia vera by David Lynch will be shown at the second session of THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA film festival. The film is a great metaphor of its time and its unavoidability, highlighted in a masterly fashion by its director, who wanted to prove that he could put together and direct a more realistic story than the visionary films that have always characterised his work. From a general point of view, the journey of the main character (an exceptional performance by Richard Farnsworth) can be compared to life itself, made up of meetings and a great many experiences, where the destination is not as important as how you get there. Introduced by Andrea Mattacheo.

The film will be shown as part of THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA film festival. Cinema and Travel/Cinema e viaggio, organised by the Bibliomediateca, coordinated by Silvio Alovisio (University of Turin) and compiled by the University cinema group Lost in the Dark/Sperduti nel buio has been put together for The Man with the Suitcase/L'uomo con la valigia exhibition. The Small Story of the Luggage/Piccola storia del bagaglio has been organised by the Fondazione Torino Musei (Turin Museum Foundation) located at Borgo e Rocca Medievale and will run from 14 February to 10 May 2010.