Events in Cinema Massimo

Cinema Massimo – Dal 7th al 13th may 2010

- Saturday 8 May 2010, from 4.00 p.m.

ECCE HOMO at the Cinema Massimo. A day dedicated to films starring Jesus Christ

The National Cinema Museum, for the exhibition Ecce Homo. The image of Jesus in the history of cinema – open at the Museum until 6 June 2010 – organises on Saturday 8 May 2010, at Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo, from 4.00 p.m., a day of screenings dedicated to the portrayal of Christ, in three films which have strongly influenced Christological iconography.

The films screened will be Jesus Christ Superstar by Norman Jewison, Il Vangelo secondo Matteo by Pier Paolo Pasolini and Christus by Giulio Antamoro and Enrico Guazzoni, a silent film produced in 1916 which will be accompanied live on the piano by Maestro Stefano Maccagno. Admission: € 5.50 / € 4.00 / € 3.00.


- From 10 to 17 May 2010

Il National Cinema Museum presents Crossover. The new frontier of European cinema.

The National Cinema Museum presents at the Cinema Massimo, from 10 to 17 May 2010, the retrospective Crossover. The new frontiers of European cinema. The festival is dedicated to the increasingly frequent co productions between European and the countries of South America, Asia and the Middle East: films, in most cases, ignored by the Italian distribution even when they bear the signatures of authors of the calibre of Abbas Kiarostami, Hou Hsiao-hsien and Carlos Reygadas. With these works, European cinema opens its doors to the world, seeking new viewpoints and contaminations.


- Tuesday 11 May 2010, 8.45 p.m.

For MAGNIFICENT VISIONS. Permanent Festival of Restored Film Margherita fra i tre by Ivo Perilli and Uno tra la folla by Cerlesi and Tellini presented by Lorenzo Ventavoli and Alda Grimaldi

The National Cinema Museum presents, on Tuesday 11 May 2010 at 8.45 p.m. on screen 3 of the Cinema Massimo the restored versions of the films Margherita fra i tre by Ivo Perilli an Uno tra la folla by Ennio Cerlesi and Piero Tellini, the eighth appointment of MAGNIFICENT VISIONS. Permanent Festival of Restored Film.

The films will be screened in the copies restored by Cineteca Nazionale Experimental Centre of  Cinematography and National Cinema Museum and will be presented to the public by Lorenzo Ventavoli and Alda Grimaldi.


- Wednesday 12 May 2010, 8.30 p.m.

The May appointment with CULT! Is dedicated to L’assassino qualcosa lascia by Rosa Mogliasso.

The National Cinema Museum dedicates the usual monthly appointment with CULT! To the release of the book L’assassino qualcosa lascia (Salani Editore), the literary debut of Rosa Mogliasso. For the event, on Wednesday 12 May, at 8.30 p.m. on Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo, the Museum proposes a meeting with the author, who will talk about her book with Margherita Oggero and Davide Livermore.

This will be followed by a screening of the film Rebecca by Alfred Hitchcock (USA 1940, 130’, original version with Italian subtitles). Admission: € 4.00.