Events in Cinema Massimo

Cinema Massimo – From 21 to 27 may 2010

Cinema Massimo – from the 21st to the 30th of May 2010

The tribute to Jean-Luc Godard: Cinema composer - part IV, in honour of the great director's 80th birthday, continues at Cinema Massimo

The National Museum of Cinema's tribute to the film director Jean-Luc Godard continues at Cinema Massimo in honour of his 80th birthday. The tribute, which began last February, will see one event every month until June and this fourth part will present Godard's work between 1983 and 1990.

This large retrospective festival has been organised by Bologna city council’s Cineteca film archive, together with Regione Emilia-Romagna, Angelica Festival, the National Museum of Cinema, Cinémathèque Suisse and Lo Sguardo dei Maestri (Udine) as well as the French Embassy, Alliance Française of Bologna and support from the Gaumont Archives, Studio Canal, Tamasa Distribution, Cinémathèque de Toulouse, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Cine Classics, Cinemateca Portuguesa and Suomen Elokuva Arkisto. Special thanks go to Sylvie Pras (Centre Pompidou). The director of the project is Jean Douchet.

Admission to all events costs 5.50/4.00/3.00 euros.


Friday – 21 May 2010, at 8.30 p.m.

The Third Biennial Festival of Lay Cinema continues with a screening of the film Suddenly Last Winter, introduced by the authors, Luca Ragazzi and Gustav Hofer.

The third Biennial Festival of Lay Cinema, organised by the Consulta Torinese per la Laicità delle Istituzioni (Turin committee for Laiety in Institutions) in partnership with the National Museum of Cinema and directed by the film critic Gabriele Barrera, continues with a screening of the film Suddenly Last Winter, introduced by its authors Luca Ragazzi and Gustav Hofer.

This festival aims to offer the people of Turin an approach to lay methods and lay ethics when faced with the problems and challenges, both personal and collective, that the modern world poses, through the aesthetic language and cultural stimuli of cinematic art.

The films shown tackle important contemporary themes of today's ever more multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. What finally emerges, through different existential situations and incidents, are some aspects of lay ethics which are by definition non-dogmatic and non-absolutist, of freedom and positive tolerance, of respect and dialogue among people who are equal and different, in the framework of a more civil society between individuals and groups of the human community, something that the festivals' organisers keenly hope for. Admission: 4.00 euros.


Monday – 24 May 2010, at 8.30 p.m.

The conference-performance Science and the Simpsons, by Marco Malaspina, as part of the COLPI DI GENIO (MOMENTS OF GENIUS) festival.

On Monday the 24th of May at 8.30 p.m. in Cinema Massimo, the National Museum of Cinema presents the conference-performance Science and the Simpsons by the Bologna-based freelance journalist Marco Malaspina. Admission free.

The Simpsons is a popular cartoon series created by cartoonist Matt Gröning as a satire on American family life, where many aspects of the human condition, of society and technical and scientific progress are tackled in a comic framework. Themes such as nuclear power, pollution, viagra, antidepressants, space travel and the theory of evolution are frequently tackled and transform the series into an interesting forum for analysing  the relationship between science and society. Malaspina explains how the decision to do this lies in the fact that many of the series' authors are Harvard-graduate scientists who have grasped and exploited the narrative possibilities that scientific themes offer when related to daily life.


Tuesday – 25 May 2010, at 8.30 p.m.

A screening of Michael Cimino's film Heaven's Gate, introduced by Gianni Volpi, as part of the  L’ULTIMO SPETTACOLO / SCHERMI AMERICANI (THE LAST SHOW/AMERICAN SCREENS) festival.

The National Museum of Cinema and Dams – the University of Turin’s college for the performing arts present Michael Cimino's film Heaven's Gate. The film will be introduced and presented to the public by Gianni Volpi. Admission: 4 euros, university students: 3 euros.

The L’ULTIMO SPETTACOLO / SCHERMI AMERICANI. Il cinema USA degli ultimi 40 anni (THE LAST SHOW/AMERICAN SCREENS: US cinema of the last 40 years) festival is organised by the National Museum of Cinema, Dams – University of Turin and the university group Gli Ultracorpi in conjunction with the History of North American Cinema course and the G. Quazza Multimedia Lab. The project will involve a series of events, meetings and screenings that aim to study not just American cinema, but its history, culture and society as well, using a selection of key films of the last 40 years.


Wednesday – 26 May 2010, at 8.30 p.m.

David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia as part of the MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS) Permanent Festival of Restored Film. Introduced by Wu Ming 4

The National Museum of Cinema presents the restored edition of David Lean's film Lawrence of Arabia as part of the MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS) permanent festival of restored film on Wednesday, the 26th of May 2010 at 8.30 p.m. at Cinema Massimo’s Screen 3. This is the festival's ninth evening.

This copy of the film, restored by the David Lean Foundation and distributed by Park Circus, will be presented to the public by the writer Wu Ming 4, author of the novel Stella del Mattino (Star of the Morning), published by Einaudi Stile Libero, 2008, whose main character is Thomas Edward Lawrence, the strong-willed and controversial hero better known as Lawrence of Arabia.

Wu Ming, or more formally known as the Wu Ming Foundation, is the nom de plume of the famous writers' collective created in the Bologna wing of the Luther Blisset Project, which became famous following the novel Q. This collective, which has been active and present on the international cultural scene since 2000, has written many novels which have been translated and published in many countries, considered to be part of the body of work known as the New Italian Epic.