
Events in Library/Mediatheque

Library/Mediatheque, from 31 august to 6 september 2012

03.09 – BLOW TO THE HEART – Colpire al cuore (Blow to the heart) by Gianni Amelio (3.30 p.m.)


Summer at the National Cinema Museum

National Cinema Museum - July and August 2012

The National Cinema Museum will be open regularly during the entire summer period, including the Ferragosto holiday on Wednesday 15 August 2012.




Events in Library/ Mediatheque

Library/Mediateque – from 1 to 7 june 2012

05.06 – TALKS IN PROGRESS – An inconceivable Bene. The voice of Carmelo Bene: radio, theatre, cinema, poetry

(8.30 p.m)

06.06 – TALKS IN PROGRESS – Presentation of the uncut version of Diary of a Schoolteacher by Vittorio De Seta and of the volume...


Agenda settimanale degli eventi in Bibliomediateca

Library/Mediateque – from 25 to 31 May 2012

25.05 – A MUSEUM FOR AFRICA – Tunisia. Cinema before the revolution (8.30 p.m)

26.05 – A MUSEUM FOR AFRICA – AFRICAN DAY 2012 (from 9 p.m to 1 p.m)

28.05 – AMERICAN FACES – The man...


Il Museo Nazionale del Cinema incontra Maccio Capatonda. In occasione dell’evento verrà presentata in anteprima nazionale la nuova serie Babbala e il ragazzo idiota.

Bibliomediateca, mercoledì¬ 30 maggio, ore 20.30

Nuovo appuntamento di DIALOGHI IN CORSO. Presentazione di novità librarie, dvd e reading dedicato alla comicità surreale di Marcello Macchia (in arte Maccio Capatonda), mercoledì 30 maggio, alle ore 20.30,...


Il Museo Nazionale del Cinema presenta UN MUSEO PER L’AFRICA. Proiezioni e incontri dedicati all’Africa

Cinema Massimo –Library/Mediateque- from 25 to 26 May 2012_

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Africa che si celebra il 25 maggio e a conclusione della prima stagione di UN MUSEO PER L’AFRICA, il Museo Nazionale del Cinema, con la collaborazione del Consorzio delle ONG Piemontesi...


Events in Library/ Mediatheque

Library/Mediateque – from 18 to 24 May2012

21.05 – AMERICAN FACES– Harvey by Henry Koster (3 p.m)

24.05 – TALKS IN PROGRESS– Works in short. Tribute to Armando Ceste (8.30 p.m)


Events at Library/Mediateque

Library/Mediateque – from 11 to 17 May 2012

13.05 – STORIES FROM SPAIN,– proiezione di film spagnoli (from 3.p.m to 10.p.m)

14.05 – VOLTI AMERICANI – Call Northside 777 by Henry Hathaway.  ( 3.30 p.m)

16.05 – BOLLYWOOD 2011 – Enthiran...


The National Cinema Museum at the International Book Fair

Library/Mediateque – from 10 to 14 May 2012

The National Cinema Museum, in collaboration with the 25th International Book Fair – OFF Salon (Turin, 10-14 May 2012), will dedicate an entire day to the screening of films from Spain, one of the guest countries at the 2012...


Events in Library/ Mediatheque

Library/Mediateque - from 4 to 10 may 2012

07.05 – VOLTI AMERICANI – The Shop Around the Corner by Ernst Lubitsch (3.30 p.m.)
