
The young jurors selection for the Young Audience Award 2018 is kicking off!

Cinema Massimo, 6 May 2018, from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum is taking part in the Young Audience Award 2018, an event promoted by the European Film Academy and EFA Productions, born to award film...


Rediscovered Cinema at the Cinema presents "Novecento" by B. Bertolucci.

Cinema Massimo – From 16 April to 1st May 2018 – Screen Three

The season for Rediscovered Cinema at the Cinema, the Bologna Film Archive project which is bringing back great classics from the history of film to the big screen, in a restored version, will also be continuing in April with Bernardo Bertolucci’s masterpiece Novecento...


Kick-off for the Lovers Film Festival - Turin LGBTQI Visions, reaching its thirty-third edition this year.

Cinema Massimo – from 20 to 24 April 2018 – Screen One, Two and Three

In 2018 the Lovers Film Festival – Turin LGBTQI Visions, directed by Irene Dionisio and chaired by Giovanni Minerba, will take place from 20 to 24 April 2018 in Turin at the Cinema Museum’s Cinema Massimo Multiplex, during its historic slot period for the traditional attendees of this showcase....


The TorinoFilmLab and the National Cinema Museum will present "El Cristo ciego" by Christopher Murray in April.

Cinema Massimo – 18 April 2018, 9.00 p.m. – Screen Three

Starting from April, the TorinoFilmLab and the National Cinema Museum will present one of the films supported by the TorinoFilmLab, now reaching its tenth year of activity, once a month. The first film within this cycle of dates is El Cristo ciego by...


The Mario Gromo Library/Mediatheque is presenting the Babelica DataBase within the frame work of MyGeneration 11 – The Image Education Festival.

Library/Mediatheque – 18 April 2018, at 5.00 p.m. – Events Room

The eleventh edition of MyGeneration features the admission of the Babelica cultural association from Turin within the organisation and management of the Festival together with Informagiovani in Nichelino, which made it grow together with its creator and artistic director Umberto Mosca.



For the Images in an instant. Cinema and photography showcase, screening of the film "One Hour Photo" by Mark Romanek.

Library/Mediatheque – 12 April 2018, 3.30 p.m.  – Events Room

For this showcase, born for the occasion of the exhibitions dedicated to the winning projects of the OUT OF FOCUS call – starting with ART OF DECAY by Andrea Meloni, and now ICONS by Vittoria Ghiotto, at the showcasing venue in the Mario Gromo...


Joseph Losey. The shadowline showcase. This showcase will be opened by the screening of "Time without pity".

Library/Mediatheque – From 9 to 30 April 2018, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

Having ended the tribute showcase for Claudia Cardinale, the Mario Gromo Library/Mediatheque is offering a showcase in April titled The shadowline, dedicated to American filmmaker Joseph Losey. The programme features four titles,...


The CinePhilo university group youngsters are presenting "Holy Motors" by Léos Carax.

Cinema Massimo – 17 April 2018, at 5.00 p.m. – Screen Three

New rendez-vous in April with the showcase organised by the CinePhilo university group from the Turin University Philosophy Faculty, on Tuesday 17 April at 5.00 p.m. with Holy Motors by Léos Carax. To...


For the occasion of the Liberation Day Anniversary, the AMNC will present "La lunga resistenza" by Luciano D’Onofrio.

Cinema Massimo – 25 April 2018, 4.00 p.m. – Screen Three

For the occasion of the 73rd Liberation anniversary, the National Cinema Museum Association is organising the screening of the documentary La lunga resistenza by Luciano D'Onofrio. This film is featured in the ambit of a broader multimedial project...


HEARING CINEMA – Guided tour in the dark at the SOUNDFRAMES. Cinema and music on show, in collaboration with the Italian Blind and Sight Impaired Union (UICI) and Tactile Vision.

National Cinema Museum – 21 April 2018, 7.30/9.00 p.m. – Mole Antonelliana

For the occasion of the great SoundFrames. Cinema and music on show exhibition – which may be viewed throughout 2018 at the Mole Antonelliana – the public will be able to gain insights into the exhibition theme on Saturday 21 April, at 7.30 and 9.00 p.m., through a one-...
